About Us

About Us

Equip English is a dynamic English learning and training platform that equips you with the necessary tools for effective communication in your desired area of focus.

The platform was born from a direct assessment of some of the common needs of students and challenges students face when using online learning for ESL (English as a Second Language). Over 6 years of interacting with over 200 students from over 20 countries with multi-dynamic goals, needs and targets in over 3000 lessons on 3 different learning platforms produced a quenching desire to improve the results of ELLs (English Language Learners).EquipEng is, therefore, designed to be a continuously evolving platform to ensure our students are equipped for their English learning goals.

Equipping You for Global Communication Success

Have a Trial lesson with us- A free chat for us to meet you and take note of your needs. You will hear our proposal to meet your needs, the tools we will use and answer any questions you may have.

We don’t just teach, we EQUIP.

About Michael

Michael is the ambitious protagonist that dared bring what he thought was missing in the online learning process to reality.

Michael is a qualified teacher from Zambia.He is a trained Microbiologist.He holds a TESOL Certificate, Teaching Certificates, Business English Certificate and IELTS Exam Expert Certification. Michael started teaching just as a part time source of income. Michael has worked on 4 different online platforms that provide online lessons and two platforms that are simply marketing platforms for teachers.His motivation for such a platform derives from real and verifiable experience. Michael is not only experienced with over 6 years of teaching, but also adequately trained and qualified to teach English to speakers of other languages and additional Language training. Michael has vast experience with interview preparations, IELTS exam preparations, Business Presentation coaching and Public speaking.