Learn English Online faster with the best tutors.

  • Experienced tutors
  • 5-star tutor reviews
  • Good English gives you a significant advantage when looking for a job or traveling to a different country.

Lessons you’ll love


How English Equip Works

Drag & Drop


We always start the journey by understanding WHY you want to take lessons


Connect with a tutor

We ‘ll connect you with a tutor who will equip you and keep you on track to achieve your goals


Speak. Learn. Grow

Choose how many lessons you will take each week, plan the time and get started on reaching your goals.


See What Our Students Say

Michael is the best IELTS teacher I’ve met in this application. He is specializing in IELTS, and his teaching approach compels you to work hard and put more efforts to achieve your goals. I highly recommend everyone to seize the opportunity to take lessons with him. You’ll truly benefit from his expertise. Thank you Michael for your patience and efforts



Michael is really a professional teacher, attentive, and well-educated person. I am always happy to attend each lesson as we discuss topics I’m interested in. I highly recommend this tutor especially if you want to improve your speaking skills. I’m absolutely excited about our lessons and Michael’s personality and expertise



Michael is a very personable, open and patient English teacher. The lessons are fun and adapted to the level of the language. I would especially like to emphasize that you have the opportunity to bring in your own ideas, for example, in the design of the lessons



English Equip

Lessons you’ll love.


You’ll get to work with a certified English tutor as part of your learning program. You will also be able to choose your proficiency level as well as your learning pace. This learning format will boost your skills and help you establish a 1-on-1 relationship with your dedicated tutor.